A small event occurred yesterday in the mountains of North Carolina, although to me, it was a momentous milestone of preponderous porportions! The Basement walls (see picture) of my a-frame passed inspection, they are now completely built to the top, with bond beams (extra rebar reinforcement) installed and even my septic line passed, a bonus that was bestowed by a smiling inspector! (Its best, I have found, to KEEP these guys smiling, as they are the final approval that the entire structure lives or dies by) I now have depleted my bank account for this month, if I am to pay all my bills. So, I will replenish the money supply with future paychecks and continue the construction next month. I have a guy Mike working for me that has been a huge help since I am 800 miles away, he is able to meet inspectors and find local materials and thats been one of the hardest parts of building this Home, besides the money...I am determined to find ways to make it happen, its becomiing more of a monument that just a house, a monument to prove I can do it! That no matter what a man's, (or woman) limitations, they can achieve bigger, better things! And besides, its gonna be nice to sit on that new deck someday, in the near future, and watch the sun come up, on my new deck, with a hot cup of coffee in hand, maybe even with a little shot of rum in there, and say, "I did it"!!!
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