I saw this picture by Barry Brandhorst and it reminded me of a great story that happened a coupla years ago. I took a buddy of mine with me and we drove from Florida after work on a Friday night to my place up in the NC mountains. We got there totally beat after a 12 hour drive and at the time I had a old camper trailer there with a bedroom and a fold out couch that doubled as a bed, we were tired as heck when we arrived and it was freezing cold and pitch black, we set up the couch by the light of a lighter and I just flopped on the back bed and my buddy got the fold down couch, after about an hour or so I kept hearing him slapping himself and saying ow! Ow! I yelled "Be Quiet" and went back to sleep, only to wake up a coupla hours later at first light hearing it again, well, I got up and finally found some candles and the sun was coming up so he got up and when we could finally see the couch was covered with the biggest ants I have ever seen and they had been eating him alive all night, I never had a bite and couldn't understand what he was complaining about, (I thought maybe it was the itchy wool blanket) till I saw the ant swarm! He was covered with big red welts, and was totally pissed because I couldn't stop laughing, and so we headed to town for bug bombs and hot coffee...
Tiny Dreams, Big Realities: Has DIY Tiny Building Vanished?
The tiny house movement captured our imagination years ago, but what
happened to those amazing DIY builds we used to see everywhere? In this
video, Jenna...
1 day ago