I just love this! Things sure have changed since the "OLD" days back when I was the only one up there on the mountain back in my little hideout on Wild Turkey Lane! I was really nervouse about this latest load of materials I got delivered to my site, but, the truck driver actually called me from just up the road for directions, (I'm still down in Ft. Lauderdale at Sea Level) His cell phone was a little scratchy but I could talk with him pretty clear. I called him back about an hour later to make sure he found it (bout two hours ago, and he said, "Yup, your neighbor came over a took a picture to send ya" and I log on and POOF! Theres my block being delivered!!! (looks like my new neighbor Johnny Overby sent it) I swear, I would read "Dick Tracy" all those years ago and think, wouldn't THAT be cool, and here I am with an 800 mile view of the goings on in my driveway, I'm either really cool, really OLD or some of both!I will be headed up to my cabin next week on Wednesday to meet up with my block guy and "Git er' Done" so, more pics to come...